TASC/TGIC posting of this event does not constitute sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by TASC/TGIC.
Who: Mid-Atlantic Tech Bridge
What: NavalX Mid-Atlantic Tech Bridge (MATB) Small Business Workshop
Join us for a full day of DoD SBIR/STTR discussions, NSIN and the chance for 1:1 sessions with the speakers.
Topics include:
We will be hosting a Networking event immediately following this event in the same location.
When: April 30, 2025, 9:00am-4:00pm
Where: Hybrid - The Assembly, 400 Granby Street, Norfolk, VA and Online
Details and Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/navalx-matb-small-business-workshop-tickets-1123094518939?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
Tidewater Association of Service Contractors is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 1095, Norfolk, VA 23501